

Addis ababa, Ethiopia


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My name is Birhane Gulilat I graduated in Electromechanical Engineering from the university of Addis Ababa Science and technology university on June 2018. I have taken additional education form ALX in software engineering specializing in backend end development. In the learning process I have had the to work with MySQL, mongo and Redis databases and use JavaScript, python and c programming languages for different tasks and I am experienced in using express, Django and flask frameworks.

  • Quizy

    A web based responsive interactive online quiz application that allows creation of quiz, taking of quiz, keep records of quiz history and allow global and private league competition for quiz participants.

    Authenticated users have the capability of creating a quiz, keep track of performances of the quiz participants and see their performance against other quiz takers.
    Unauthenticated users have the capability to take a quiz but won't get ranked on the leaderboard.